Logbook entry

The Long Road Home

22 Jul 2020Elysian-Wolf
Connection ID: Z83-dF-3c-08l
Date: 7/21/3306
Backtrace Event Log: 4bdii29kqb=#of26kqd
…begin log.
ERROR: Unresolved System ID Code: 035lkim80557qkg
Event log gv9151; a̸̧͖̙̼͍͚͉͌̈́̐̓̓͐̚ͅş̴̡̨͔̬͍̦̥͎̼̆̍̌̿̏͆̅̾̕͘͜c̸̰͚͈̣̤̝̗͉͙͔̯̗̀̄̀̀̋̀͜͠l̵̠͔̱̠̾̽̂͛̿ḭ̶̡͇̻̪͉̓̓̓̔̋͑̌͂͘ͅa̷̺͉̮̥̺̼͓̳̯̒̏̋̐͗̃͒̾͜ţ̵̛̥̩̼̠͉̼̣̗͇̜̣̆͆̓̀͐͠ͅh

Begin private log.
Date: 7/͓̖͍̞̂̎͒̽̎͟2̡̍l'̦̯̖̓̾͘o̥͓̔̈̏ͅ;̙͗

A total of three months at it.
I’d managed to actually blow the SRV since the last entry, forcing a run back to Colonia for a restock. Carina did an excellent job picking me up… And Eaton was pleased with my gift, but I swear I heard her murmur something about adding acai and cactus fruit juice to the brandy. If I hadn’t actually tasted her recently improved work, I’d have been skeptical. But… well, I’m sure she’ll save me a bottle for a future trip back.  

So, quite a lot has happened and the run back to Colonia had my employers insist on radio silence moving forward. It’s now a bit under 6k LY back to my home in the bubble, and there’s been quite a lot of systems I’ve been made to investigate on the way back from Sag A*.
Ah yes, that’s right… Finally having visited the core itself!

The entire time I was near it, I just kept thinking: “I’m in hell!”
Of course, that nervous half-broken and maniacal laughter couldn’t be silenced either.
Knowing what these monsters are, and facing down the one at the heart of everything you’ve ever known, the glue which holds it all together… There’s nothing that can come close to comparing.

In other news, I’ve attained my goal of making an Elite Explorer! Made a good sum of credits on the way, too.

Universal Cartographics go BRRR

Which, given how ridiculous this contract has been, sure as hells better be the case! That said, the degree of water worlds, earth-likes, and terraformables I’ve found even within the core region was startling. I’d not be surprised if a future colonization effort comes to pass out here, especially now that the Deep Space Support Array has gotten going and all – though, I’ve seen rumors around various commander’s social media that there’s a massive fueling problem right now. I’m sure the bright minds will get it sorted soon enough. There can’t be that little Tritium in the entire galaxy, right?

It’s also curious that the group I’ve joined on has already bought a couple FC’s. They’ve been quite busy since I’ve been away, making the goal of completing this assignment and getting back to civilized space all the more of a focus.

Someday, I will get my own.
And I actually feel that I have a fill of the black for now. I don’t see myself returning out there for a few solid months, instead being among others and working on credit flow and my combat potential are areas I want to look into. That, all while working the engineers… I’ve dreamt up some goals, in particular a rather nasty hit-and-run machine that would require near top-of-the-line upgrades across all boards. She’ll be quite fun by the time I have her up to par, with the skill to boot.

Met up with a CMDR near the core, or at least tried to. I’d found an absolutely gorgeous deep-magenta world with carved valleys of popsicle-blue for us to set down on, only to have our ship’s computers give issues with communications to the point we decided on making a joint effort later on. I’ll definitely have to visit in the future and take out the old Claw, for some satisfying FA-off canyon runs.

My work on that has been limited to toggling while looking to set down the Omega on difficult landscapes. Slowly but surely, though I have a feeling I’ll get more focused on that task soon enough. There truly is so much more versatility, and I’ve begun to understand the idea of advanced maneuvering some very experienced commanders have mentioned with selectively toggling it.

I’ve run through several nebulae, my employers seemed particularly focused on exploring through a few within and closer to the core. Then it was back to select systems, slowly fed in to the Omega one after the other. This added to my wait time ridiculously so, and I’d had to get a shipment way out here halfway through the journey back as food stores ran down. Ciel has been a blessing in all of this, I think I’d have gone mad by now if it were just me and Carina OFFENSE TAKEN.

Old girl has been very steady and helpful. I’D NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT HER. Though, there have been signs of DATA OMITTED lately, I’m not too worried just yet.

It’s a bit of a short cut-and-dry entry today, but I’ll off with a few select shots once again.
I don’t know if the ones who ran my contract are middle-men, there to resell it, or their own company effort. Regardless, as I draw closer and closer back home I can’t help but thinking of family more and more. I am certain that Clian has his fingers in this, and while it’s been a year since I returned from my first trek out into the black, I’ve not made too much progress in the way of credits. It’s been a slow start, but… I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else.

Someday, I’ll get back out there and maybe follow leads about mom. As soon as I get home, I’ll have to check in on Dan – gods know what that old dustball of a man is up to.

Okay, Carina – that will do it. End log. CARINA IS THE BEST.
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︎12 Shiny!
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