Logbook entry

Pilgrimage: Part One

09 Feb 2021Ilift13
After gaining the respect of his peers by achieving the Elite rank, noted explorer CMDR iLift13 made the purchase of an ASP Explorer today. Previously favoring his Scout that he used to explore and discover hundreds of new worlds, walking where no man has gone before, the commander smiled when he was asked why the upgrade, new mission? "I'm starting the pilgrimage", he replied. This of course referring to the famous trek all noted explorers take in the early stages of their career, to the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A. "Why now?" one reporter asked. "There is a whole galaxy out there, we have only visited less than 1 percent of it. Imagine what could be out there, new frontiers, new secrets, new experiences waiting for us. The pilgrimage is just the next logical step in the plan, to test my limits, to go farther and longer than I ever have before. To get ready for my next expedition, I will need a new ship. This trek will test her indeed."

Known for his penchant for interesting ship names, one report asked, "What will you call her?"

He reached up and touched the base of the ship, smiled, and said "Pathfinder."

The reporters nodded in agreement with the classic nameplate being given the crisp white vessel. CMDR iLift13 plans to finish the modifications to his ship tonight, and tour the engineers in the bubble to trade for upgrades over the next week. "I hope I have enough materials stored for these upgrades, otherwise it will be back to farming." The purchase of the explorer marks the 25th ship in his collection, all with unique names and designs, the ASP - E is no exception to the specialized hardware, the endeavoring explorer has managed to accumulate in the last few years. The question remains, is the commander ready for this trek, or will he be lost on the trek as many before him?
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