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Interviewing for Crew Opening Position

29 Oct 2016Kancro Vantas
Being the Chief of State, SEPP Secret Service has been on my case that I need to hire an Eleu native to be on my permanent crew. Or that at least, I should pretend I am looking for one that is suitable for the position.

The latest rumors in the yellow press magazines are trying to make a scandal out of the fact that I recently hired Lowell Kline, a mostly harmless pilot I found in 20 Ophiuchi, at Artserbasky Gateway. The tabloids immediately started to look into the past of CMDR Kline, and they have been trying to find the slightest of reasons to discredit him in his title of "honorable First Commander to SEPP's Chief of State!"

Well, I guess you can make a scandal out of anything if properly advertised. There are certain facts that could be quite unnerving about Mr, Kline for the casual reader not into politics. Firstly, he was born in Achenar, the Empire's Capital. His father was a Baron who, among other things, traded with slaves. Main family business was industrial though and they used to produce parts for Gutamaya. This is what the press is trying to make a scandal out of, knowing how badly relationships between SEPP and the Empire are, specially after Santjalan Rise War last year that uncover some Imperial intervention in it.

What the press fails to mention is that Kline fell in love with a slave he helped freed from his dad when he was 19, leaving the Empire -and his family and titles- for good.

They are also twisting the fact that he lost his lover in a combat.."which reflects Mr.Kline inability to protect anybody, while he is still Mostly Harmless, he clearly has no experience to hold the position next to the COS" is what they protest.

But I wouldn't be a real advocate of independence, freedom and personal will, if I was not to give someone like Mr Kline, with such a life full of hardships -as hard as his muscles-. a broad view and understanding of the bubble -as broad as his killer smile- and a willingness to ride next to me -or on top of me- using every cannon available on board, particularly his own one.

Yeah, let the press talk.


-"You got to stop your innuendos with Mr.Kline, Mr. President. This is negatively affecting our PR"

-"CMDR Kline for you, Ma'am." - Lowell barked back to Dalila.

-"Yeah, yeah Dalila...haters will be hating" I said. "We both know I don't need one of those stuck up military guys on my side. I detest their discipline!"

-"Discipline or not Sir, I suggest you find a replacement immediately, or at least a second crew member from Eleu, that is loyal to SEPP and that would raise no suspicions from your opponents in Congress"

Lowell let some boxes drop to the cargo bay floor -where we were having this conversation- making a very loud noise. "Oh, I'm sorry if that hurt your ears Dalila" he said wincing at her.

Sometimes she really gets on my nerves, but I know she always means well and that she is a true trooper of SEPP. I get to do the rounds, while she stays in Finney Dock, monitoring our power across the Nation and holding off any bad rep hit our party could take.  

"Fine!! Let's start looking for someone but I am not done with CMDR Kline! He will still be on my Crew Team!"

She didn't like the idea but had no choice. Lowell, who was just behind me filling up a cargo manifest, let a chuckle escape. Clearly Dalila and him were at odds, with me in the middle. And now, it was time to bring someone else to the mix.

**Finney Dock, ELEU. October 29th, 3302. Dock 18. 10:30 a.m.**

Dalila had screened 5 candidates for the position, and arranged to have them come for an interview with me. She was sitting next to me while at the same time managing from her phone that the event gets proper media coverage. Lowell was advised to remain on the ship, which he reluctantly agreed to do.

Each one of the candidates came, greeted, sat and had 2 minutes to tell a compelling story and reason on why they should be flying next to me. They would leave while Dalila and I deliberated. If picked, we would call them next day.

Me: "I dunno Dalila. He seems a little bit, hmm... unexperienced for his age? By the time he reaches Elite, he might as well retire!"

Dalila: "yeah, probably true."

Me:"Instrumental in producing the new fighters, he says? Being Harmless I bet he was the test dummy or the target!"

Dalila chuckles while shaking her head in disapproval, and calling for the next candidate to walk in.

-"Prison? Are you kidding me now Dalila? Can't take an ex convicted co pilot!"

Dalila starts to shuffle the papers in her folder. "Must..must..must have been a mistake, Sir. I am sorry! Seems she never mentioned that fact in the screening!"

Me:"Cute. Looks nice otherwise, but can't have her around my ship. Find out what type of crime was she involved and see if you can hire her as a Reservist instead."

-"An orca yacht from one side of the Galaxy to the other. Yeah, right... she would still be jumping out there! I know how far Beagle Point is, and let me tell you, is not a trip you want to do with an Orca. And even so, there is no way you would remain a Novice after that. A Civil War in 78 Ursae Majoris? Lies. Don't trust her. Out."

Dalila, point blank stare: "Sure, Sir. Whatever you say. Next!"

Me:"Hmm, nice hair and daring look. Like his resolution. I bet he is packing a nice..."

Dalila interrupted me clearing her throat loudly.

"Sorry Dalila, forgot you are more religious and puritan than I am" I said jokingly.

"Shall we instead see his credentials? He seems like a skilled one" -she replied.

"I bet he is, my dear aide, question is, on what side? See, I don't like Federalists." I paused reading his resume.

"Can you please search for his dad, and his own career with the Feds?"

After a few minutes browsing in the computer files and in the SEPP Archives Dalila's face turned pale and alarmed.

"Sir, I think I found something"

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I said sipping on my cup of coffee.

"Not only his father and him were involved with the Feds. Seems his dad died in the Lugh Wars, fighting for the Feds, while you were fighting against them."

I put my coffee cup down. "Go on"

"Well, it seems like Mr.Adams enrolled with the Energy Corporation shortly after. He...he was involved in the coup against SEPP last year that drove us to Santjalan, Sir." Her voice growing exasperated.

"Son of a gun! And he got the balls to come here and try to get this job?" I yelled. "Find any excuse you can to start keeping tabs on him. No SEPP jobs for him anywhere. And we must know if there is a guerrilla or some hidden group working against us. This was just too close, Dalila!"

"Yes, Sir. Will do."

"Transporting slaves huh? Well, we don't support it, but we have allies who do and we even let the Conservatives to trade them here in Eleu for a while -and good tax money too."

"So, you like her? Seems like she got a lot of experience under her belt" - Dalila noticed.

"The problem is that the Kumo Crew is now under new management, a very nice lady, the type that has two good pair of cojones but that is also a follower of the Code to the tee. We hit it off rather nicely and SEPP now considers the Kumo Crew... how to put this.. not a threat? Cordial even?"

"I guess that disqualifies her?"

"Correct, my dear. Unfortunately so."

"OK. We'll keep searching then!" She said as she stood up picking up the folders of documents she brought with her, sounding rather disappointed.  


"Did you find a new toy boy?" - Lowell asked, revealing a certain passive aggressive intentions. He was in the ship's gym, lifting dumbbells over his shoulders, sitting on a bench, wearing only a towel on his lap. From his sweaty face and chest, I could tell he had been there working out for a while.

"Not today...not good candidates, I must say" I informed him from the entrance of the small room, staring at his pecs flexing with each lift repeat.

"Aww... Dalila has failed then? What a shame!" His tone grew sarcastic, his face lit up smirking, clearly glad to learn the news.

"Dalila is a persistent girl. I doubt this outcome discouraged her..if anything, it will make her double up her efforts" - I said staring at him, biting my lower lip.

"Well, it certainly didn't discouraged me either" - he said slowly placing the dumbbells on the floor, standing up and walking towards me, letting his towel to fall off..
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