Logbook entry

The Legend of Boran

01 Apr 2022FernandoFMay
Many years ago in a small solar system, a commander make an intriguing discovery, an overlap of diamond hotspots.
In a few days, thousands of commanders moved to BORANN, for what would be known as the great migration. For months, we all got rich in what became known the last great gold rush.

When the diamond market crashed a few months later, thousands of us were literally jobless. That day I docked my Python, the Legend of Borann and never flew with it again.
Yesterday I received a communication from the Federation of pilots, HEART OF TAURUS needs help with radioactive ores. All of a sudden those old times came to my mind and here I am, 800ly from home finally dusting off the old lady LEGEND OF BORANN. Life is made of cycles and you, my old companion, were reborn again!
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