Cmdr MdN
Registered ship name
Mars & Minerva
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III A-MDN1
Overall assets
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Death of a Friend, Chapter 5

01 Sep 2022MdN
Date: Late July 3230
Location: Somewhere in the Alioth system
Setting: It's the height of Alioth's war of independence

Chapter 5

The command room was guarded by immaculately dressed elite guardsmen. Men who had served the general through many campaigns, veterans, hardened warriors. Dressed in spotless white tunics as if on a parade ground, they added to the mystique surrounding Joseph Ladin. Around them the town lay in ruins, death and destruction peered out from everywhere. But here, wherever the general was, it was pristine. There was control and order in a sea of chaos. The effect was to instil confidence in his command, the result was startling.

"We should rush them, general."

"No Saphadin," the general gently chided his young brother, "a needless loss of life, we shall siege and be patient." The younger Ladin was not as cunning as his brother. A blunt instrument to the general's finesse, yet also a calming influence over some of the general's tantrums. "Let the guard know we will remain here until we break them, and relieve half of the assault team; we can relax a little now. This battle is over."

Saph left to carry out the instructions. The guards would recognise the message as meaning 'make camp', and the battered town square adopted as a makeshift headquarters would be quickly turned into an imperial barracks as pristine as the general's headquarters. So much the better for morale. Those experienced soldiers knew the value of that as well as any, and besides, the slaves would do the manual work under their guidance.

A siege required far fewer soldiers than an assault, and would lose fewer too. His men were tired, this bunch of renegades had caused unexpected problems. The assault troops at the front deserved a break. Troops who know their general cares for their welfare fight harder, and Ladin needed them ready for the final battle. These rebels fought well.

'Like wild dogs,' he thought when he was alone. 'Fiercely defending every inch of every town on the planet.' It had been a frustrating campaign but his men had performed admirably. Urban warfare was never easy, and that dolt navy Admiral insisting on carpet bombing every thing he could find. 'Idiot!' he screamed and slammed down his fist on the planning table. Ruins always made things harder.

The guards outside were used to such outbursts. They knew better than to discuss such things with their comrades. Their general deserved his privacy.

Truth was, Joseph Ladin was tired. This battle had taken too long and he'd lost too many men. Good men. He was well aware of his reputation among his Federation peers: a tough, abusive psychopath. No doubt these Alioth upstarts had adopted those views. The truth was that he felt every death inflicted on his men. Sure he hid it well, showing weakness was not the Imperial way; not the way fighting men anywhere were expected to handle loss. Men would not be led by a general with contempt for their welfare though, and his men always did as bid, and did so with gusto.

A guard knocked on the door: "Sir, your command staff have arrived."

"Thank you, show them in."

"How did the push go," he asked the Captain who led the final assault, after the usual tiresome Imperial pleasantries had been taken care of.

"I wish I could tell you they were routed, General," the young captain's disappointment was obvious to all. "They remain a solid, disciplined force."

"Hmm, are the rumours of her death true?"

"I believe so, but Jaffa Ascalon shows no sign of impaired judgement as a result."

Their spies had found a way to deliver the news, even in the heat of battle. It had been hoped that with the death of his wife, the rebel leader would be more inclined to accept his inevitable defeat gracefully. If only for the lives of his men. Ladin was disappointed to hear that was unlikely. Even that benefit of the navy dolt's bombing hadn't worked in their favour.

"Do they not realise their position is hopeless," he shook his head in despair.

"General, may I thank you for the wise decision to not assault the temple. It makes for an imposing fortress."

"Not at all Captain," Ladin dismissed the praise with a wave of the hand, "it was your call, and the correct one."

Saph returned with more news from the front: "Sir, we have reports of an escaping Cobra Mk III from the temple compound."

"It is of no consequence, let the dogs run. Jaffa Ascalon will not leave his men, of that I am sure."

"I have instructed the navy over watch to ensure it does not return and the air defence batteries to be on red alert."

"Ha of course, good good. Attempting to evacuate so many using one small Cobra will be comedy indeed. Let's watch how this unfolds. We may yet win this battle with no more bloodshed."

"Captain," he turned again to the assault team leader, "stay here in the old town and rest. Saph will recall half your men for the same and we'll bring fresh troops to replace the remainder in due course. You've done well. Should a final assault be necessary I want you all in good shape."

"Thank you General, the men will appreciate the gesture."

He then turned to the next commander around the table: "I want my engineers exploring how an assault is best effected, what are the weaknesses to that building."

"We've already begun, my Lord. We have the floor plans modelled already."

"Excellent. Saph, under no circumstances are the navy to bomb that edifice - we need to be sure the threat is destroyed, not hidden in the rubble for another day."

"Of course, general."

"Captain, liaise with the engineers. Have an assault plan in place that your team are familiar with in case that Cobra returns. Should there be an evacuation attempt, we strike immediately."

"Very good, General."
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