Logbook entry

My first days mining.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden

   Yee Har I'm having fun. No I'm not, servers just went offline. Well, I was having fun. Lets see. Santjalan, purchase limpets. Song Refinery, top off fuel tank. Alowis 3; crash into the ring. I'm sure there's an art to this, and I will get it figured out one day. For now, I'll just crash gently. Kill the obligatory pirate who spawns in my instance. Really !. Every ...single...time. Getting old.....FAST.

   Prospect. Mine. Collect. Move on, next rock. Rinse. Repeat. Cargo hold almost full. Plenty of limpets left. Note to self; next trip, not as many limpets.

   Get out of there. Dodge the rocks. Mass locked. Pick a clear line of sight to open space, and boost. Friendship drive charging. Supercruise back to Song Refinery. Pirate sends me a text message. No ships in sight, must be planning an ambush at the destination. Not predictable at all. Drop from supercruise at the station, and there he is. An Asp. Deploy hardpoints. Single 3C gimballed beam laser. Pew Pew......Boom. Bye bye pirate. Pretty sure he didn't even scratch the paint. Not that you could tell. Hand me down, second hand, ex Federal Navy discard is already scratched, very artfully mind you, from the day I bought it.

   So anyway, dock at the outpost. Check out the bulletin board. Over the space of half an hour, filled multiple "supply metals that you can only get by mining" missions, receiving way over market price for the goods, and all with medium influence attached. Winning.

   Next step. Take any SEPP mission out of there to another system. Then back to Santjalan to do the whole thing over again.

   So, I'm having fun, making a modest profit in the process, and getting brownie points for Sepp. Win Win Win.

   PS: took a fetch mission to bring in some personal weapons. Expect the fireworks to start in Alowis in a few days.
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