Logbook entry

Trade war in Naita

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden


   Reports of a trade war are coming in, between the Partnership of Mechet, who now have their home
   on Crown Ring in Mechet, having recently lost their pride and joy, Robson Port, and the League of Naita,
   head-quartered at Whitson Colony in Naita.

   When contacted, the only available representative from Mechet, their sales manager, was very
   enthusiastic about the upsurge in sales of their wonderful, finest quality Geological Equipment.
   When pressed further, he admitted he had no idea who was buying large quantities of their equipment,
   nor where it was destined for.

   Representatives of the League of Naita were unavailable, except for a very curt "no comment".
   They also enquired if we knew of anyone interested in the position of warehouse manager.
   It seems they just shot their last one.

   The latest release of the daily system influence figures would appear to support the trade war scenario,
   with both parties having overnight shifts of more than 2 percent.
   The daily traffic reports also show an upsurge of traffic in both systems.

   One academic of political science, who wished to remain anonymous, suggested this actually may be a fifth column incursion by a third party,
   suggesting that the Sociopathic Explorers Protectionist Party was a possible candidate, having the most to gain from any hypothetical trade war.
   If the influence trends continued, he argued, SEPP would be in a position to declare war on both parties, taking over both Crown Ring and Whitson colony in quick succession.

   Attempts to contact SEPP have so far been unsuccessful. It appears most of their membership are currently off gallivanting around the galaxy, and last reports of their fearless leader are that he had crashed on some desolate moon in the proximity of the Crab Nebula.

   The lack of visibility of SEPP membership in and around the affected systems, has led to many experts discounting the fifth column hypothesis.
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