Logbook entry

Ships Log; Personal. 16:00 Hours. 7th January 3302.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
3302-01-07 16:00

Ships Log; Personal. Commander Adept Geraden. 16:00 Hours. 7th January 3302.

The war we started in Naita drags on. Sounds like our combat pilots are having a whale of a time though, from the little radio comms chatter I've picked up whilst in the area.

Speaking of wars, the drums of war are starting to pound in Alowis. Well, the band is getting warmed up, anyways. Filled a delivery contract for Sepp to smuggle in 3 tons of Battle Weapons. Seems the hours running missions, and the slight loss from dumping unwanted goods on their market is paying off. By the time the dust settles in Naita, we should have more than enough influence in Alowis to kick off another shindig for the combat jockeys.

And speaking of paying off. Somebody in Sepp must love us. Took 2 milk run goods delivery missions, 30 odd light years, each paying 1.4 million credits. More than covers any slight loss from black-ops trade dirty dealing. Some bandits got wind of the first run, and tried interdicting me. But the fully A-rated Python, flying with 4 pips to engines, and some skilful throttle modulation, back off to line up the escape vector, then give it all its got, puts paid to their vain attempts at getting up to no good. Eat my space dust, suckers.

And today I christened the Python. It finally has a name. SOBaDD. The Ministery of Economics and Trade recently commissioned a new office. Sepp Office of Black-ops and Dirty Deeds. SOBaDD for short. Of course, if any hint of our under-handed opeations should ever get out, SEPP will disavow any knowledge and utterly deny everything. So no, there's no pretty sign on the door, and don't bother asking for directions, because nobody knows where it is.

And one last item. The Federation haven't abandoned us. Some of the missions I've been running for SEPP go to Federation aligned minor factions, and the brownie points have been slowly accumulating. And of course, they've always got their hand out begging for charity, which I mostly oblige. So today I received my rank ascension mission, a milk run goods delivery to some backwater settlement, and now I am a full Lieutenant in the Federal Navy Auxilliary. For some people I guess this would be a big deal. But I've found that the best way to find something, is to stop looking for it. I stopped fretting about navy ranks a long time ago, and just sit back and let it happen in its own sweet time.

Note to self; must get in the habit of updating this diary more often.

End Log.
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