Logbook entry

Ships Log; Personal. 21:30 Hours. 9th January 3302.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
Ships Log; Personal. Commander Adept Geraden. 21:30 Hours. 9th January 3302.

Computer. Engage voice to text. Engage dpellchech. Engage syntax xheching. Set both to early 21st century old earth english.


Been watching too much of the Ancient History channel lately. I think some of it is starting to rub off. These modern kids today, with their 34th century space jargon. Sometimes I think the "Good Old Days" should return. You know, like when those space truckers exploited a loophole in the galactic markets, and made 50 billion in a couple of hours. But then again, there's more satisfaction to be gained from making an honest living. Like my comrades in SEPP, carving out a safe little niche on the edge of the inhabited bubble, where innocent traders can trade, profitably and mostly safely, and long-range explorers can dock safely to sell their data to the galactic black hole known as Universal Cartographics, or not. We don't have any permit systems around here, and I know many an explorer who has sold off their valuable data piecemeal fashion to various minor factions, just to get the permits for restricted space. Hell, even did it myself. About 6 million at a time I believe it was. But even so, we have a number of shipyards and outfitters here where explorers can re-fit their ships for the hazards of populated space.

Speaking of which, the hazards of populated space that is. We won the war in Naita. Well, sort of. Went to war with the pirate faction Naita Camorra, but took control of the other outpost, which was owned by the League of Naita, and with it control of the system. Unfortunately, that means the pirate faction Camorra still hold their outpost. Feel sorry for the League though, they really copped the short straw in all that. Not that it would matter in the long term, we would just take over their port eventually anyways. Yesterday the Camorra were very active, and I had the pleasure of despatching a number of their pirate ships personally. Pretty sure some other SEPP flagged ships have been doing the same, because flying around there today, didn't spot a single Camorra ship anywhere. A few other minor faction ships with wanted tags, but I couldn't goad any of them into attacking me. Even with my one ton of gold honeypot.

So, after winning the war, our long awaited for, and pending for it seems like forever, expansion finally happened. Yet another tiny backwater system, but one small step on our journey to conquer the universe. What was it again? Oh yeah, HIP 84696. H96 for short. Memorable name. Or maybe not. But, another small area to be surveyed and catalog'd. Looks like a good port to trade out of, once we make it ours. Pretty sure they had a good'ish price on Palladium there.

So, with all the drama of the last few weeks out of the way, and our fearless leader heading off on some mass jaunt to the other side of the galaxy, might be time to retire SOBaDD from her dirty deeds, and profit from the small bit of peace we have created. And I mean "profit" in the pecuniary sense. Cold hard cash in the old lingo. Some mining in Alowis for a while sounds like fun.

AH! Forgot to talk about Alowis. We've struggled for ages to take control of this system. Then, out of the blue, picked up the local news 24/7 hourly repeat loop. Seems there's been a bloodless coup in Alowis, and we now control Song Refinery and the Alowis system. That's why I said some mining in Alowis for a while sounds like fun.

So, the office of Economics and Trade is temporarily on sabbatical. Must remember to send a memo to my pretty secretary to order some pizza and a slab of old earth Ale for the long-haired geeks in the Black-ops department down in the basement. And send them a personal "thank-you" note. Without their dirty tricks, I'm sure the recent conflicts would have dragged on a lot longer. Oh, and remind them to turn out the lights before they go home. And lock the office door, don't want any mice getting in there and stealing our intel, if you know what I mean.

End Log.
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