Logbook entry

Ships Log; Personal. 01:00 Hours. 15th January 3302.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
Ships Log; Personal. Commander Adept Geraden. 01:00 Hours. 15th January 3302.

The move to our new ministerial offices at Robson Port in Mechet goes well. I've managed to taxi most of my personal fleet over from Eleu and Santjalan, with just one Clipper still to move. Wish I could find a trustworthy private pilot whom I could contract to move my ships for me, but alas it just doesn't seem possible at the moment. Perhaps the lack of available seats on the Orca class passenger starships that sometimes pass through the neighbourhood has something to do with it. Although I believe ticket prices for those things are astronomical, or was it astrological ? always get those two mixed up. Anyways, out of the reach of a simple civilian pilot looking to hitch a return ride after ferrying some schmucks' ship half way across the bubble, just because they couldn't be bothered with the leg work themselves.

Anyways, at Robson Port, the head of the local public service was keen to bend over backwards to set me up with the very best of everything. Being the highest ranking Sepp party official in the system has some rewards I guess. Whilst I was happy enough to take the very best office, as befits my station in life as the Minister for Economics and Trade, I really had to insist that the very best accommodation be set aside as VIP quarters for visiting dignitaries. Not that there is anything wrong with second best around here. Still very plush and opulent. More than satisfactory for the occassional layover in port. I'm usually far happier flying my starship than a ministerial desk anyways.

I did notice, with some slight bemusement, that my pretty little secretary put off choosing quarters for herself until after I had chosen mine. And then chose modest quarters as close to mine as she could, without being overtly obvious that the old catch cry of Location Location Location still held true.

But back to my new offices. Why is it that all minor factions with confederate leanings, have to broadcast this fact by plastering the old earth Confederate flag across everything. The previous masters of this domain were very definitely of the confederate leaning, judging by the curtains, the wallpapers, and almost every other surface in the suite of offices. Before leaving, I gave Tara, that's her name by the way, my pretty little secretary, Tara something-or-other, carte blanche to re-decorate the office suites. LIke our old temporary offices in Santjalan, but this time with a sense of permanence and class.

Before leaving Robson, Tara reminded me that I had an unfinished draft memo, the one about the long-term "Safer Neighbourhood" that we discussed with our leader recently. The plan to degrade and ultimately destroy all the lawless anarchy pirate factions in our neighbourhood. I suggested that if I wasn't back by the time she had the office re-decoration done, maybe she could finish it. As long as I got to read and approve it before it was sent out. After all, I was busy. There was dirty deeds to be done over in H96. And then there was dirty deeds to be done in Purungarang, helping our former foes from Alowis, the Alowis Purple Dynamic, take over there. Ironic how that ties back in to our Safer Neighbourhood plan, as we would be overthrowing the Anarchic pirate group, Purungarang Jet Dragons, and installing the much more civilised Alowis Purple Dynamic. Just a pity they're Federation. After cleaning out all the pirates and anarchists, the Feds are next on the hit list. Just don't tell them that. At least not yet.

So, better go fetch that last Clipper from Santjalan. I suppose I could use it to carry over the lads and ladettes from the Black-ops department. Must remember to leave a Sidewinder map marker there, make sure I can find my way back when I eventually have to.

End Log.
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