Logbook entry

Ships Log; Personal. 21:30 Hours. 19th January 3302.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
Ships Log; Personal. Commander Adept Geraden. 21:30 Hours. 19th January 3302.

Computer. Please send greetings and salutations to our newest recruits,
Commander Ross and Commander Lugo Crellen.


Some days are diamonds, and some days are just pure gold.

After running operations out in H96, you know, that hippest of hip locations as
the news broadcasts have been referring to it, HIP 84696; anyways, so I'm
leaving there empty, and there's another system right next door, Andvaris.
It's a right haven of lowlife's and scumbags, being controlled by an anarchy
faction. But, it also has a nice spaceport, which would be profitable to trade
out of, if the pirates didn't make it too dangerous for honest trader types to
go there.

It also has a nice Independent Democracy faction. For all of the above reasons,
it has been placed fairly high on the Sepp Safer Neighbourhoods project list. So
I drop in from time to time, and run odd jobs for the good faction. Not enough
yet to rate as friendly with them, but definitely have some positive rep.

So anyways, I cruise on in, and there's no pirate activity against me. After
destroying a number of their ships previously, maybe they've decided I'm not
worth the trouble.

So I check with my contact from Andvaris Democrats, you know, the good guys I
spoke about. And boy, was he pleased to see me. Had a milk run delivery of 147
tons of gold going 20 light years away, and couldn't find a contract trader with
a big enough hold willing to take on the job, at any price. And, he'd pushed the
offer up to almost 1 1/2 million juicy credits. For the sake of getting friendly
with the guys, I would have done it for less; but I wasn't going to tell him

I supervised loading up the Python, SoBaDD, myself. The dock itself was pretty
empty, save for a few dock rats. You know, the kids who hang around the docks,
hoping to scam, or outright steal, anything they can get their filthy little
hands on.
And a ship full of gold was information they could trade.
I chucked them each a handful of credits, and told them to buzz off. Suggested
the new comic book series, the Space Truckin' Adventures of Honest Trader Joe,
was a good way to spend the credits.
After counting the crates of gold three times to make sure it was all there;
been conned like that before today, I plotted a course for Sveinbarn and set

Contrary to expectations, the trip truly was a milk run. 2 jumps, never
interdicted, never even tailed. And you can bet I watch that scanner like a
hawk, checking out every ship within scanner range. In the trade it's called
"situational awareness".

So, I dock, unload, check the transfer of credits for a job well done, and sit
down to plan my next move.

The next port of call on the Shenanigans Loop would have been Alowis, but it was
now on the other side of the Sepp core systems from where I was. So I figure
Mechet is my next best bet.
Laying in a course for there, I realise it takes me right past Bean Enterprise,
that other source of all things credit-worthy. I remember from yesterdays market
analysis, Gold from Bean Enterprise to Crown Ring in Mechet, where I'm going, is
nicely profitable. And 216 tons in the Python is 216 times more nicely profitable.
337,000 credits and then some, to be precise.

Like I said, some days are Diamonds. This day was pure Gold.

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