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SEPP LOCAL 24/7 NEWS 3302-02-15

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
SEPP LOCAL 24/7 NEWS. All the news that is news. And rumour and innuendo if the
legal department thinks we might not get sued too badly for it.

Any reports of the recent passing of the BGS are apparently false. Many player
owned minor factions are today rejoicing in the latest tick. It may have one
foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin, but all plans for a ceremonial
wake are hereby put on hold until further notice.

Will we get one more gasp out of the old girl before she quietly slips away ?
Or will some miracle of 34th century human technology, or even undisclosed alien
technology render the old girl immortal ? Who knows ?
Or perhaps, more importantly, who cares ?

Apparently, there is still a small band of die-hard commanders who have not yet
completely given up on the dream of taking over the whole of the inhabitated
bubble. Or even just their little corner of alternate reality.

And for one such unsung band of heroes known as the Social Eleu Progressive
Party, they will be excited to learn that the latest BGS tick has brought them
an election state in Kpaniya. Can they muster the forces to win over the
people, and hence the election ? Simultaneously driving down their influence in
Santjalan to put a halt to the expansion monster.

Only time will tell. Or, more accurately, only the SEPP LOCAL 24/7 NEWS will tell you.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but our interpretation of the truth.
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