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SEPP LOCAL 24/7 NEWS 3302-02-18

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
SEPP LOCAL 24/7 NEWS. All the news that is news. And slander and libel and some really bad jokes if the
legal department thinks we might not get sued too badly for it.

The Eleu local security office today issued an advisory for all commanders to be on the lookout for dangerous occasional furniture, after the reported destruction of the outlaw "Beanbag".

It is theorised that other dangerous furniture may be lurking in nearby systems, ready to pounce on unsuspecting travellers. You have been duly warned.

Meanwhile, the head SysAdmin at the Central Galactic Polling Centre is reputed to be about to place a bounty on the elusive "/dev/null". This notorious rogue, who has been plagueing the galaxy for months now, is believed responsible for the frequent mis-appropriation of Commanders effort when tally'ing up the daily tick. Those following the frequent reports of "missed BGS ticks" probably know what we're talking about. Meanwhile, the other dev, "Fdev", stubbornly play Ostrich by burying their head in the sand and proclaiming that all the complainers are mad, and that it is not possible that some Gremlin snuck in and changed the cron job bash script ever so subtly.

Question of the day.
Whats the difference between redirections 1>/dev/null 2>&1 and 2>&1 1>/dev/null

In a footnote, the head of the news department would like to apologise to any non-computer-geeks who don't get the joke. Any suspicions that "Fdev" don't get the joke, may be true.
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