Logbook entry

Ships Log; Personal. 08:00 Hours. 28th February 3302.

29 Feb 2016Adept Geraden
Ships Log; Personal. Commander Adept Geraden. 08:00 Hours. 28th February 3302.

From the bridge of the Mining Trade Wars Python "SOBaDD", currently docked at
Dunn Dock in the 45 D Ophiuchi System.

The week in review.

Left the SEPP homeworlds for a few days for some extra-curricular activites;
running missions in the Wolfberg system against the Smiling Dog Crew. The
reasons for this spontaneous group action are well documented in the underground

After triggering not one, but two, civil wars in the system, I figured I would
leave the combat to those more skilled in the art of modern warfare, and headed
back to the SEPP homeworlds. Nearest system was 20 Ophiuchi, so I headed there
to look for Sepp missions. Finding no such missions available, I took one
mission from each of the other factions, with the intention of letting them time
out and fail. I figured one from each faction wouldn't make me too hated.

So then I spent several days running missions for Eleu Energy Corp, Santjalan
Commodities and Santjalan Defence. Come Friday night, I started stacking mining
missions. I managed to stack 8 missions, ready for a good go at Alowis 3 on the
Saturday morning. What a wonderful way to attract pirates and collect bounties.
So I fulfilled the mining missions, picked up a few more, ran a few more
general missions, and am now flying around with a cargo hold half full of
precious metals, looking for more mining missions to insta-fulfill.

Picked up a high influence smuggling mission for Energy Corp, going to the
outpost in Louguala. When I arrive in the system, I get a red-coded message from
system security, saying that the suspect ship has been spotted, and they're
moving in to investigate. I think they must be referring to me, hauling illicit
cargo as I am. First time I've seen this, but then I'm not big on smuggling.
Taking evasive flight action, I manage to hold him off for quite a while, but he
manages to start an interdiction just as I'm slowing for the final approach to
the station. My advice to system security, is they need some ship outfitting
advice from some real pirates, because I evaded the interdiction in about 5
seconds flat.

After docking and off-loading the suspect cargo, checking on the transfer of the
half million credits for the milk-run service, I pick up a back-haul mission for
the local Independent Democratic faction. Being the good neighbours that we
are, Sepp like to help out these factions when possible. Back in Santjalan, I
dropped out of supercruise outside Cantor Station. Almost instantly I receive a
direct message, claiming they're gonna "boil me up". Scanning the source of the
message, I find it's a Cobra flying under a LP-747 Gold Mafia flag. The new "Bad
Boys" on our turf. Cheeky little (expletive deleted). I managed to get in one shot before he
went boom. I think the local System Security had already done most of the hard
work for me. I just wish they were that helpful a little further away from the

The astute reader may have noticed the change in ship description. I did a
re-fit to make the Python mining capable as well. Cargo hold is down slightly,
to 160 tons. Still more than adequate for most of the day-to-day activities I
undertake. But being able to go from running missions, to trading, to mining,
and back again without having to swap ships makes life simpler. Plus, I can
carry around the extras from mining, ready to cash in on the lucrative mining
missions whenever and wherever they show up. I'm running one mining laser, two
prospectors, and three collectors. Overall, is working better for me than the
Federal Dropship I was using. It only had 96 tons cargo capacity, which made
juggling limpets vs cargo a much more delicate operation.

End of ships log.
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