04 Oct 2022Imperial Senator Bluecrash
Dufay Vision has been purchased by Order of Twelve. The total purchase amount is unknown. However, the ‘Raxxla Trust’ held within the Empire’s new banking system has an adequate amount of credits for anything Raxxla related.
Without a visible door, or entry into the Mesopotamian Ziggurats that have been determined to be R_xxla, led to the solution of the entire star port being purchased. Dufay Vision may be rebuilt or removed entirely by the local faction.
When Order of Twelve was asked what their intentions are with the star port Dufay Vision, Elder ZER0 said they would get the star port to the planet [url=https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vg_1GxNOdqYKrGIK_DB4MSY_3f4oUG1z8cvdONObxPU/edit?usp%3Dsharing&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1664914710759828&usg=AOvVaw3wVnhYfa7wK_njYmJlltz6]R_xxla is whispering about.[/url]
Once the star port has been moved to the planet's surface and disassembled, the R_xxla Predators for Desecration Society (RP4D) has vowed to protect the Mesopotamian Ziggurats.
Order of Twelve, in their Fringe Science Lab, have been working on amplifying the power of the Guardians djed shield (‘sacred’ domes and forcefield defense) providing a protective shield over the Mesopotamian Ziggurats as well.
full story on the Galnet Supplemental