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What is behind Heart and Soul Nebulae

08 Oct 2019Neplecha
Between the Heart and Soul Nebulae and the very sparse region behind it, there is cca 1000 ly of space with higher star density. Btw, in the in-game map, this region is part Elysian Shore. Even the void behind is also mostly withing Elysian Shore. Only where the more stary tip of Outer Galaxy Arm lies and where one can find Zurara The Megaship, there is the true Formidine Rift. There is no megaship around the twin nebulae, but still there is few interesting things 7500-8500ly from the bubble there.
  1. My ship was there, not any more
  2. The Formidine Rift abandoned settlements from the Dynasty expedition: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. See the previous post
  3. Target of the Formidine Rift Dynasty expedition. Logs in the settlements talk about 5 months to get to the target from Reorte and 2 weeks from the twin nebulae. This points exactly to the settlements, maybe a bit behind them.
  4. The logs in the settlements tell about survivors in a system(s) with ELW, also about distress beacons. Nothing like it has ever been found, as far as I know. I randomly crisscrossed the most probable area, but all systems and planets had been already marked as discovered, it looks like I wasn't the first one with this idea.
  5. Salomé's World Eafots RX-T d3-3. It is a large system with 3 Ammonia worlds, among others, which the system map shows as first discovered by Salome. I haven't seen any other planet first discovered/mapped by her. I discovered another ammonia world in another system and mapped it. Number of thargoid princesses falling madly in love with me: 0. Nor anything else unexpected happened. Anyways, why was the Dynasty expedition sent to the region with so many ammonia worlds and so few of ELW? Was there some conspiracy or what?
  6. I found plenty of Bark Mounds at Heart Sector XJ-A D46.
On my way home, I fulfilled my dream and discovered a completely new ELW. My own world is HEGUA KD-K D8-21 B 3 . Hurá!

On the way home, I also picked all the sensor fragments for Palin at the crash site in HIP 17403. It was scarry. There were dozens of Interceptor (threat >=5 ) non-human signal sources in the system. Against them, just me in my unarmed ship with hundreds of mils of exploration data in it. But I sneaked to the planet and collected 27 sensor fragments. Well, I had to shoot some of the sensors I found there into fragments first, but I didn't need to relog. And I sold some exploration data at Sothis to Sirius Corporation to become allied. So apart few missions, my road to Palin is open.
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