Day #4 - Fortes Fortuna Juvat
28 May 2021Comrey
CMDR Gene ComreyMay 28th, 3307, 04:05
Deep space, Pro Aewsy ZH-P b37-1, 10292.37 Ly from Sol
I don't really have a lot of news, so this entry will probably be on the short end. I'm getting quite used to writing these things at 'night', figured I might as well stick with it for the time being. Consitency and all.
So turns out that the circuitry damage I sustained earlier with those neutron jumps wasn't as light as I thought. At a certain point my FSD simply shat itself and I just couldn't enter Witch-space. Thankfully I could still supercruise, but I was confined to one system. Not my style to be stranded thousands of light years away from civilisation, so I figured I'd have to do something about it. Now, Elvira may have juiced the baby up with her experimental designs, but I know how to maintain my ship. I had materials on hand—because I'm not a fucking idiot—so replacing the key components was an easy fix, just time consuming. Unfortunately I also had to recalibrate the entire route, which took some precious time as well. In the end, though, everything was up and running.
Once I was good to go, I went right back to neutron jumping. Yeah, I know, I never learn. But fortes Fortuna juvat, as they say; Fortune favours the bold. And favour me she did, as I made record time with no mishaps. Okay, maybe one mishap. At some point I was thrown out too close to a red dwarf and I ended up being caught in its gravity. Yes, again. And no, it didn't do any real damage, just resulted in some minor wear on my components. I'll maintain them later, they're good for now.
All in all, I'm roughly halfway to Colonia now. So far so good.
Comrey out.