Day #5 - Wear and Tear
29 May 2021Comrey
CMDR Gene ComreyMay 29th, 3307, 04:32
Deep space, Eodgorph QV-H b12-4, 12385.28 Ly from Sol
I'm slowly paving my way to Colonia, getting closer with every passing night. Today, though, I didn't get as far as I had hoped.
I decided to maintain the modules and components that suffered some wear and tear during my 'mishaps' with gravitational fields. I figured it was better to deal with them while they were still functioning rather than to emergency-repair them during potential malfunctions. This took some time, of course, and unfortunately I couldn't win it back by neutron jumping. I simply couldn't find any neutron stars to overcharge my FSD with. Strange. Not sure if I'm just in a sector with less neutron stars, or if my computer is malfunctioning, but either way I didn't cover as much space as I wanted.
I did find three water worlds in one single system, though. They were small, but right next to each other. Interesting cluster.
Anyway, time to get some rest.
Comrey out.