Day #25 - Jackpot
18 Jun 2021Comrey
CMDR Gene ComreyJune 18th, 3307, 19:28
Deep space, Eol Prou FV-S b19-2, 22024.39 Ly from Sol
Not going to lie, I spent a whole lot of my time sleeping today. I've missed Nyx. Missed sleeping here, in my quarters. I like the rooms in stations, they're basically apartments, but the living quarters in my ship are no joke either. Everything I need at one spot, except a bar I suppose. I should install a bar. Although, that'd be difficult. Nyx has a weight qouta, so if I'm to install anything I'd have to remove something else to not cause overweight. Wouldn't want to lessen her jump capabilities.
Oh well, guess I'll do without a bar.
I managed to track down the pirate megaship. Jackpot. Sure enough, thing had broken down. It seems fuel ran out completely, and with that so did the power plant. That's why the signal went cold too. As a result, all the pirates packed themselves into escape pods to await rescue. Oh, it was too perfect. All I had to do was send some hatch-breakers in and before I knew it, it was raining boxed pirates right on me.
Dorn will be happy. These criminal lads here will not be.
Comrey out.