Cmdr Xanter
Xenobiologist / Adventurer
Registered ship name
[C1Z-WVH] Research
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Imperial Courier Exo-01
Overall assets
The Fatherhood

Logbook entry

For Kaia, just in case...

02 Feb 2020Xanter
Personal log, Commander Calen J. Xanter.

Just arrived at Moskowitz Gateway, found a buyer for the Opals. The new Python performed better than I'd hoped. She'll never replace the Phoenix but she'll earn me an honest living. Just like I promised. She's legit and fully insured. My last job... assignment... whatever... covered the ship & modules.

Surprisingly, that freak in Xi-2 paid what he'd promised for the data. That's part of what has me on edge. The system surveys he wanted were basic and the trip traveled relatively safe sectors. No black hole, grav well reading, no neutron star scans, nothing that even remotely warranted what he was paying. Scan Swoiwns for a system with 2 water worlds then get surface scans. Return all data to him on the bypass crystal he provided. It meant I couldn't sell the data collected but he was paying well beyond cartographic payouts. Besides, the Phoenix still has the stealth database we routed through the life support error reporting system. If I cared enough to pull the data I could. He paid me enough not to care.

You're asking yourself why I've suddenly started keeping a log? Well, the contact came through Ander and he knew exactly where to find me. Kaia, you know what that means...

I couldn't refuse, it's trouble and it's only a matter of time before the other boot drops.

I need a drink.
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︎1 Shiny!
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