Logbook entry

Fleet upgrade

29 Aug 2015Kalisti
So I downgraded my Anaconda, The Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence, in order to buy, fit out and test a FDL.

The idea is to have the FDL on Aislings front line, around Kelin Semba. With my Conda in the Cemiess area.  Because of the FDR short jump range I bought a Diamind back explorer to shuttle me between the 2 location, which it can do nicely in about 3 jumps... a 30ly jump rang or there abouts.

New ships names....

I decided ro keep with the wonderful type of ship names Iain Banks has in his Culture novels.

Anaconda : PS - Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence
FDL :FPS - Of Corsse I Still Love You
DB Explorer : LCU - Oh No Not Again

Those not familier with the Culture ship namrs.

See here

The initials i used so far
PS  - Picket Ship
FPS - Fast Picket Ship
LCU - Limited Contact Unit

Currently testing various loadout of the Of Course I Still Love You , whilst killing Kumo Crew
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