Logbook entry

DRX 3303-05-12 (1)

12 May 2017Iconoclypse
The Pilots Federation have finished their deliberations over the new flight system. So the PS4 cockpit console is a go. Of course, this being the Pilots Federation they haven't given a date for when ships fitted with the PS4 system will be cleared for free flight. Honestly, the bars in nearly every station seem to be filled with angry pilots with newly minted Sidewinders just waiting for the word.
I do feel for them, truly. Nothing worse than an itch that not only can you not scratch, but you can't scratch it because someone says you can't. Yet. That's the PF for you. Space-chuffs!
Still, Griffin and I were quick to suggest that DRX reach out to this batch of enthusiastic CMDRs.
How much more ground might we cover?
How much quicker?
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︎1 Shiny!
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