Logbook entry

DRX 3303-08-05 (1)

04 Aug 2017Iconoclypse
Ok, so technically, it's the 5th. Still feels likes the 4th. Haven't slept.

I'm cursing this entire mission. What the fuck am I wasting my life on?

I told Griffin one thing and even that wasn't entirely true and now I can't even remember what I might have been afraid of.

But currently, it feels like I've dug enough of a hole that the truth might hurt more than its revelation. I can't help buu blame myself for some of the CMDRs we've lost along the way. Left DRX, for whatever reasons, never having found out why...

Dammit, I can't think that way. I know why I acceded to 8-6's request. I know what I held back. I know why.

So why is it so damned difficult to convince myself of that? Because out of the 202 'listed' DRX members currently only, well, there certainly weren't 202 names in the packet I got. And of the names that I have, well, let's just say, it's like trying to grasp sand...

Fuck it, I've drunk too much. Again. I'm saying/writing too much. But I'm also not one for self-censorship. I'll let this stand, for what it is.

I need sleep.

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