Logbook entry

Personal 3305-02-03

03 Feb 2019Iconoclypse
I'm awake again.
So here's the situation... I'm travelling. FSM knows where. Guidance is locked. Comms are locked. 'Delilah' is unresponsive.
The ship's jumps are sufficiently rapid that I can't begin to get a visual lock of a damn thing to begin triangulating my position manually. Given the degree of reorientation the Hind goes through between jumps I suspect it's not even taking a direct route to wherever my malefactors have banished me.
I can't recall anything of the past several days. Not even why I might have been in the Hind IV in the first place. It was mothballed awaiting refit. Which brings me to more bad news. There are no supplies on board. There hadn't been need to restock after her last voyage.
The good news is that the one SRV still onboard has roughly 3 months of rations in its own locker.
So plan of action... I'm gonna spend a coupla days tearing this place up to try to figure out what's happened. Then regroup to assess my options.
I hope Lee's OK...

(Transferred from P20x)
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