Logbook entry

Personal 3305-02-21

22 Feb 2019Iconoclypse
The jury- rigged Remlok worked. So that's a fortnight's supplies saved. Looks like I'll be back under soon though.
I'm used to flying solo, no need for a crewmate in this tub but I miss my wife. I miss DRX.
I have no idea how many jumps I've taken now and there's never enough time to make any manual observations to determine my location. Current jump time though is still surprisingly slow. Uncertain as I logged previously.
I have noticed something else odd. The ship's scooping T-Tauri stars. Why? What the fuck have they done to my FSD? Is this fucker somehow using lithium in fuel synthesis?
All modules have taken some damage so we must have hit some more stars.
I could be fucked this time. Need to figure out a way to get a message to OUM.

I hope no-one follows me. It'd be a fool's errand unless I can regain some measure of control. right now I'm out of ideas.
Gonna hit Remlok again. Probably for longer this time.

(Transferred from P20x)
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