Logbook entry

Personal 3305-04-02

04 Apr 2019Iconoclypse
Ok, still zero comms, zero guidance. Modules hovering around the 70% mark on average. Supplies are ok, thanks to a month's Remlok. I don't know how long I can keep running it like that though. It's certainly not what it's designed for.

One thing I have now figured out. The fuel synthesis. Well a bit of it. It's hitting the T-Tauri stars to get the higher deposits of lithium, that I was right about. lucky hunch.
It's then synthesising the lithium to form dilithium, and using that to ionise the hydrogen. I can't figure out the benefits of it just yet, but crunching some numbers in my head I reckon this FSD mod is capable of far greater jumps than it's currently performing. Why isn't then? I could be to Beagle and back if my suspicions are correct.
Gonna sleep a while.
Lee. I love you Baby.

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