Logbook entry

Personal 3305-04-23 (2)

23 Apr 2019Iconoclypse
I'm back.
Fuck. Heart's beating like a muthafucker. I NEVER want to do that again. Being outside in Witchspace messed with my head. There was no sense of proportion. I couldn't trust my senses. Had to hold the hull and hope.

The transition was worse. That hiss our boats make when dropping into normal space? Try BEING that noise. That's the only way to describe it.

I only just made back it too. The FSD was spooling as I re-embarked. That was a scary bitch.

The bad news? I DO have to do it again. Tomorrow. The external comm array was unaltered. Fuckers who Lonestarred me only altered the internals. The array is sending weekly packet bursts bubbleside once a week. Next one is scheduled for tomorrow. Lucky me. I've rigged a rider to attach directly to the array. Using that I'll be able to piggyback and make a copy of the packet and redirect the copy to OUM. The original recipients (I'm thinking Cross Corp right now) will still get their packet, none the wiser. DRX Command should get a ping on Comms Board 26. I can't get much info attached but it's something.

At least Lee will know I'm still here.

So Tired, but I can't sleep. Not now. I have to be ready. Going into Remlok for 15 hours.

(Transferred from P20x)
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