Logbook entry

Personal 3305-05-1

01 May 2019Iconoclypse
I missed the packet burst this week. I ran out of time. I barely got back inside the ship before the next jump. It would appear that the ship was already aligned with the bubble so the comms array didn't have to take any time to align. Meaning I had zero time to install the redirect rider. I barely made it back into the ship before the next jump.
Blind luck. That's what it's gonna come down to. Each week, every Wednesday at twenty-one hundred I'm gonna be in Witchspace, clinging on for dear life, hoping the ship emerges at a bad angle for comms.
Witchspace might be killing me. Head's killing me. Remlok has diagnosed early radiation sickness, but can't identify the radiation form involved. Figure that one out.
Gonna try something else, but I won't bother recording it here until it pans out. IF it pans out.
Oh yeah, the jumps have become more frequent generally. It might be compensating for the fact that with an intergrity of 54% the FSD doesn't work half the time. Have 'they' got me on a deadline? hmm

(Transferred from P20x)
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