Logbook entry

Personal 3305-06-01

04 Jun 2019Iconoclypse
I've looked at it and stared at it and contemplated it. Cogitated over it. Thought about it. Given it consideration.

I have to crash the Hind.

My hope was that I could fire a confirmatory message on the 5th, then wait. 12.hours and push out the SRV, activate the recall beacon. Robert is your mother's brother.

Alas, there's a failsafe. It's designed to stop tricks like I'm thinking of being used by pirates. Basically the ship recall beacon doesn't work in open space. If I was back hOUM I could rig something to get around that. No such luxury here. There's simply no way to activate the beacon. Unless I'm planetside.

Question is, How??

Vital signs are low. Soon I won't be able to take some morphine by hypo. The vascular walls are breaking down. I look like a bruise top to bottom. Skin on my fingertips (the few I have left!) is sloghing off. Lost three more teeth. Vision's blurred. And I ache like a bastard. Can't eat but I vomited something earlier. Solid. Felt like a goddamn lung. Shitting and coughing blood a lot. The left, unburnt side of my head is losing hair to match the seared.right.
I'm a bit of a state. It shouldn't be this bad, this acute. I wasn't exposed for long each time. It has to be weird shit in Witchspace that's to blame. The fucking symptoms are familiar though.

I'll update with message on the 5th.

(Transferred from P20x)
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