Logbook entry

Cap Marky's log 0003 - A Little Exploration Trip

19 Sep 2020Mark Wahlblarg
[Location: System Blu Thua AI-A c14-10]


Freaking hell, this little exploration trip is taking longer than expected. I don't know what made me self-recruit into this mission. Maybe all those old timer stories at the Jefferson's Memorial station bar got me hyped to rank up a bit my exploration badge or maybe it was the Tritonian Ale some fancy Imperial with better hair than me treat me that one night but somehow I got my sight set on Lagoona Nebula. 400 LY away with some promising sites, why not? Well, here I am now, repairing my half dead AXP on some God forsaken carrier and my run, so far, only got me 8 mill credits and  a severe case of  dried lips.

I thank the mightiest for this carrier, don't get me wrong. CMDR Acid Boy was kind enough to let me use all the installations and allowed me a direct contract with Universal Cartographics which, in kind, tried to cheap me out of my data with enough money to just cover half the rebate on my ship. At least I manage to put my name in some lost rock out there.

I miss mining but I hate myself for ever considering it a dull job. It has its ups and down but exploring is just dull. And dangerous. Burnt half my heat sinks on a few really scary jumps where I found myself sandwiched between two class O balls of deadly nuclear fire and the other half on panicked neutron jet runs.

But I'm set on finishing this. I need the experience, I need to feel I managed to get out there and that I might be worthy of a Beagle Point trip one of these days. I will succeed.

Let's keep going. I think there might be something in the H2O tanks of this carrier, the name "LSD and Tea" doesn't inspire too much confidence.

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