Logbook entry

First tour to the Core - The third day

09 Aug 2015Birne Gilmore
Slowly but surely I aproach to the center. I avoided scanning the most times to save some time, but I could not resist some earth-like and water worlds. Also, there wer some tauri stars with rings, circling arround a class A one. They were quite fascinating. But the most thrilling event of the day was the spotting of a very small bright blue nebula, which was only containing a star system and a black hole, which was quite large. Being in that blue dust was like visiting another reality. I could not resist and took a new photo for my ship license. The guys at home will never believe that the photo is real.

Now, after another full 12 houres of flight I'm at 6000LY distance to Sagittarius A ... so close. I never was more then 6000 LY away from home before, and now I just did 20.000 LY in one tour, even more to be added tomorrow. I wonder how long it will take for humanity to reach this point with it's civilisation. Or may be there is some arround here (one of the old "galaxies" my grandfather told me about many decades ago) and we just didn't found it. Even the fact that we have the technology to reach each corner of our galaxy doesn't guarantees us to know everything about it in the near future. There are generations full of surprises and fantastic discoveries to come ... I'm sure!

I'm to nervous to get asleep by now,but I have to relax. Tomorrow will the day which I will never forget ... The arrival at the Core!
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︎3 Shiny!
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