The voyage home
31 Oct 2019LilliSWE
I arrive at the Great Annihilator and it lives up to its name. I flew way too close to it while trying to tag the nav beacon. Seriously, do they need to put these things so close to dangerous stellar entities? After a few photos and repairs to my ship, I plot my ext course which brings me to the Eor Auscs nebula. After what feels like several hours of honking, scanning, probing, fuel scooping, I finally arrive. The map indicates an enormous amount of neutron stars and apparently, the dreaded white dwarves. For some unknown reason, Vee loves neutron and WD stars, so I jump to several systems to snap some photos for her. One neutron star looks like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. It's spinning so fast that its jets are having spasms. After all is said and done, it's time to plot my route to the doomed Eta Carinae. The flight computer registers this as a 368 jump sequence. That is 53 more jumps then I did on the Eagle Nebula-Colonia run. With all the scanning I'll get in, it should be a good payout when I finally return home.Signing off...