Logbook entry

Medical Assistance Required!!

01 May 2020LilliSWE


This morning I received a transmission from Converse Prospect calling for aide. An outbreak has been declared in the Kaites system and medicines are needed immediately. Citizens are getting sick and the supply is running extremely low. They are willing to pay very generously, but for those of us in SYNDRA could care less when the safety of our citizens is at stake. I have several ships on standby ready to assist in delivering supplies.

There is an issue though. Converse Prospect is a system outpost with only small and medium landing pads. I had to send out a communication and recall my crew to assist since we would need all SYNDRA medium and small ships in action. LT Rodriquez was assigned to protection detail. She took the helm of CHEN CHILI to watch over our cargo ships. This is typically not standard for us, but we received a warning about mercenaries' attempt to hijack the medicines. No names or groups have come forth to claim this, but it could just simply be pirates looking for a quick payday. Either way, our T10 is well outfitted and tanked out to combat any attacks.

Signing off...........
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