Logbook entry

A New Threat?

05 May 2020LilliSWE
I take place standing over my fellow pilots and crew to deliver this disheartening news.

Fellow crewmen, I regret to inform you that our mission to deliver medicines to Kaites has failed. In even more devastating news, we lost two crewmen on that convoy. LT Welch and LT Munoz were killed trying to evade an unknown and very highly technologically fit organization. LT Welch was piloting the Renovatio with a surplus of medicines. After the attackers hijacked the supplies, they destroyed the ship. LT Munoz was piloting the Modus Operandi to fend off attackers. The mercenaries disabled essential ship modules and proceded to destroy the vessel. Both pilots were able to jettison via escape pods, but the mercs knew this and.....they destroyed the pods. Both pilots were lost. LCDR Rodriguez was piloting Chen Chili and could not get to the attack before the mercenaries finished and hyperjumped out of the system. System authorities and LCDR Rodriguez searched the entire area with collectors and found zero signs of life. I thought we were able to safely defend our own. I was wrong. I assume full responsibility for this failure. However, this heinous act of cowardice will not go unpunished. My resolve has never been stronger! I vow to find these mercenaries and bring them to the justice they deserve!!

What kind of scum would steal medicines aimed for helping sick people? Who or what is behind this? These mercs weren't your normal type of mercs. The "shoot now, ask later" kind. They were highly organized and insanely equipped with high tech gear. I have a few contacts in quite a few high tech economy systems. I can send some feelers out to see if anyone knows anything about these guys. The black boxes recovered revealed there were no in-coming transmissions from the mercs. They just instantly opened fire.

My crew is in a state of mourning at this moment. They need to say their goodbyes. Welch and Munoz were loved by everyone. Carmen and I had been in a romantic relationship for 4 months now. It was a great time for us. Physically and emotionally we were at our best. I'm trying to be the brave soul that I am and put on a strong face for everyone, but deep down inside, I'm broken. Along with Katherine, the 4 of us were a team from the beginning. We started this whole company together from scratch. We WILL get through this. We WILL find these people! This I promise you!!!!

Signing off....
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