Logbook entry

Into the Abyss....

18 May 2020LilliSWE
CMDR Lilli, we have a problem! My scanners are malfunctioning. I can not read any planetary bodies, space stations or man-made objects. I calculated and inputted the coordinates properly, but I am reading nothing."

It's ok, Panoptes. I would stake my fleet that we're in the right place. As I look out the canopy, the blueish hue of the white dwarf illuminates the cockpit. The breadcrumbs led me to this uncharted star system. All scanner functionality is rendered useless. I'm basically just sitting here for someone to...

"Cmdr Lilli....I see you finally arrived. All your ships offensive modules have been rendered inoperable. This is purely a friendly meeting."

That voice floods my ships PA system. All hardpoints are deactivated. I feel as if I've been slammed by a shutdown field from Thargoids except just hardpoints are useless. I have no choice but to accept his offer of parlay. "I accept your meeting, though without scanners, I have no way to plot the destination."

"No need to. I am already here. Just look up."

I look up and to my astonishment, an Anaconda class destroyer is floating above me. "So, Abyss, I want to know why you murdered my crew for a simple shipment of medicines?!"

"We were simply carrying out a contract that we were hired to to. You have many friends, but twice as many enemies. Enemies who are closer than you think. Some may say, friends. You should really think about your so-called allies."

Of course I have enemies. You right now are number one on my shit list. You murdered my closest friend and my lover. You cost me numerous credits in engineered ships, medical supplies and man power. What gets me the most, is that you attacked an UNARMED transport! A transport carrying medical supplies to sick and diseased civilians. How many of them passed away because their shipment was never received?

"Their well being is not my concern. Our job is not the safety or concern of your people. Because of you vendetta against us, you have caused the countless loss of many more lives."

My vendetta?! You killed my friends!

"I believe what you should be asking yourself is, who hired us? My soldiers have better things to do than rob transports of medicines. But someone close to you wanted you to suffer. Our contract stated to steal the medicines and leave NO witnesses. They knew SYNDRA would be orchestrating this convoy. They also know you run that operation. They wanted you taken out as well!! You just got lucky and were not present in the convoy. I can offer you the true retribution you seek. As an agent of mine, you will gain the knowledge you desire to destroy your enemies once and for all. Do you really think these people care about some kid pilot and her lowly crew? No, they don't. You are expendable to them!"

Join you? What could you offer me that I can't already acquire?

"As just stated, I can offer you names, but power as well. Soldiers to fight for you. I would name you my ranking third in command. Admiral of our fleets. The tools you need to succeed. The augmentations I offer can not be found anywhere else within the Core Systems. You would have everything you'd need to obliterate your enemies!

I ponder to myself if it is worth joining a dark cause. Those resources he offered were much more than I could ever think to imagine. I would command a fleet. What would Wise and Rodriguez think about this? "I need my transmitter operational. I have two crewmembers I wish to speak to about this."

"Transmitter operable. Make it brief. I do not have forever to wait."

Hey Kat. Gina...do you read me? I need to discuss something with you.....(To Be Continued)
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