Logbook entry

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

19 May 2020LilliSWE
"After a long conversation with Kat and Gina, we decided that Abyss' offer was too good to pass up, but we had some stipulations of our own."

We have come to an agreement. We shall accept your off and join your cause. However we do have some stipulations.

"I was not under the assumption this was negotiable."

YOU wanted us to join. Our requests are small so it shouldn't be much of a hassle.

"Very well. I shall hear you out."

First, we want all attacks on these stations to be halted. There are ways other than a straight forward war to achieve your goals to which I would explain should you accept. Second, we DEMAND a face to face with the squad who attacked my convoy. I won't kill them. I want them personally under my, and mine alone, command. And third, I run day to day orders. I answer only to you, but daily marks and contracts are handled by me with absolute authority. This allows you to remain hidden behind the attacks.

"Fair and quite reasonable. I shall grant you the stipulations you request. Now swear fealty to me! You and your crew work for me now."

We are yours now. My crew, my fleet are yours.

"Excellent. As per our arrangement, this information I pass upon to you is what you seek. Head to Kaites, the council of [REDACTED] are your true enemies. The ones who betrayed you are now revealed."

"Weapons online, cmdr. All modules are functioning at 100%.

It seems we've been restored to 100% power. Deep down I know he did this to test if I would be loyal and attack him now that I've got what I came for. Ultimately, the old me would have done that, but my eye is fixated on the big prize. I received coordinates to meet with Phalanx Squad for augmentations and our little face to face chit chat. These coordinates are taking me to Citi Gateway in the Inara system. Right back to the beginning. A radio message now begins to transmit through my ships PA system.

"Attention all squads. Our goal has been achieved. Cmdr LilliSWE is now one of us. She is Fleet Admiral of all our squads and ships. She is my voice. She commands every last one of you now. Return to your respective squad stations and await further instructions. Be warned though. Imperial and Federal authorities have enlisted the help of bounty hunters and mercenaries to destroy us. Wipe them out if attacked!

With that note, I radio Kat and Gina to meet me at Citi Gateway.
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︎7 Shiny!
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