Logbook entry

Captain's log: Stardate 18 Aug 3306

18 Aug 2020LilliSWE
CO of the Roger Young details her after action report of the attack by a rogue Federal squadron

Mr Harper, damaged report, please. "Sir we sustained minor damage to our FS drive. Chief Logan is already in top of repairs. He said it would be approximately 3 hours to get them up and running again. Nothing major. No hull breaches. No loss of personnel. LT Myers reports a few damaged Condors, but nothing the engineers can't fix. Plus, it won't hinder our defenses should we be attacked again." Excellent. Reina, what can you tell me about our attackers? "Well sir, they're logged as a rogue faction that splintered off from the Federal Navy. The Farragut was a flagship for Admiral Holstead until his commander and XO fomented insurrection and mutinied. About three-fourths of the crew followed. The rest were....well...jettisoned into space." How horrible! Who would do that to their crew? "According to Federal logs, he is Captain Johan Martin. It is purely coincidence that we ran into them." They had to have been fleeing because they didn't put up that much of a fight. Good work, ensign.

XO you have the con. As I walk the halls towards the deck, I pass many joyous pilots. They have all rights to celebrate. They fended off a Federal Battlecruiser. I should reward them as soon as we hit safe space. A happy crew is a productive crew. Kasey! "Sir." Excellent piloting out there. You trained those rooks perfectly. "Hard work and determination brought them back safely, sir." No...you did. I also want to personally thank you for taking my advice and working out your differences with the XO. I can't have my officers bickering like little children. "My commanding officer asks me to do something, I do it, sir." This is why I like you, LT. How about a drink when we reach safe space? "Only if you're buying, sir?" Of course. "Then I'm there." What can you tell me about the prisoner you brought aboard? Are they saying anything? "SHE isn't saying anything to anyone other than you." I guess I have a date in the brig. Inform LT Capp I'm heading his way to speak to the prisoner. 'Yes sir."

I arrive at the brig for interrogation of the renegade pilot. Open the cell door, LT. As the door opens, I walk inside and sit down on the chair. What's your name? "Capt Ariel Tasker of the Federal Navy." Your ship and CO are classified as a rogue cell. You have no right to use the term Federal Navy. "Sir, all my friends were airlocked because they refused to follow a pirate. What would you do to survive?" You attacked us! You shot first. "Sir, please, check my ships black box. You'll see I never locked on to any of your fighters nor did I make an attempt to rejoin the cruiser as they were retreating. My ship was shot by my wingman under command of the XO. They noticed my "treason" and rather kill me then let me leave." I rise from my chair and leave the cell.

"Sir, I have a feeling she's telling the truth." I'm inclined to believe, LT. We haven't left the attack scene, so why would she give up the black box if lying? I pick up the phone and radio the hangar deck for Capt Moore. "Yes sir?" Capt, Assemble a wing and recover the black box from our prisoner's destroyed fighter. Bring it to me asap. "Yes sir." We shall see what truth lies in this tiny box.

The Story of the Roger Young will continue through multiple points of view from several pilots. Stay Tuned for the next installment.
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