Logbook entry

Investigation Day Two: Astonishing Findings

25 Aug 2020LilliSWE
"Having contacts in a former agency has come in handy during my investigation into this incident. I contacted an old ally to help unravel this mystery."

My elite hacker ally has finally arrived. I enlisted Indigo Shine to help decipher the black box from the Beluga wreckage. I have a theory floating around my brain that this may not be actual black box from the ship, but a plant. Encoding black boxes is way out of my expertise, but that doesn't mean I don't have access to people who know this kind of geek shit.

"Hello again, Lilli. I hear you need me to take apart a black box. You couldn't have called me for something more difficult? This is kiddie shit. Gimme about 10 mins. I'll have all the answers you need." - IS

Just as I leave her to her business, I get a communication from Corporal Stansfield. She informs me of 3 suspicious individuals who were seen entering the ship 10 hours prior to boarding and never exiting.

"Sir, I've searched multiple databases and there is absolutely nothing on their identities. It's like they don't exist." -CPL Stansfield

It's ok. I have someone here who will find out who our mystery guests are. Bring me the logs here at Arc's Faith. I order my team to search the ship again. This time I want every panel and floor board inspected. They obviously hid somewhere on this ship and I want to know where. More importantly, I want to know WHY.

"Hey Lil, you were right. This box has been pulled from a decommissioned Beluga liner. Even better....the liner is registered to an agent inside Aegis Research in Electra. The box was programmed to report all pods destroyed except one. The one which escaped. That escape pod was done to validate the abduction. This unaccounted for pod is still out there. Someone, somewhere got off this boat. I may be able to locate the pod using its beacon, but if it was tampered with as well, it may prove difficult."

Do everything you can. I'm giving you full access to any tools you need to accomplish this mission. I also need you to put a name on these three individuals.

"I'll need nav beacon codes for this system and all within a 20ly radius. As for these mystery men, I'll have the Kid take a look for them. Facial rec is her area of expertise."

I walk aboard the ship as one of the search crew calls for me. I'm led to the stern section of the ship where a removable wall panel reveals a hidden compartment big enough to house at least 5 adult sized people. That however is not the most interesting thing about this. The fact that a Thargoid meta-alloy rests in there as well is what really catches our attention. Thargoid Interceptors are usually harmless unless a vessel has Thargoid tech on board or guardian-class weaponry. Our mystery men wanted this ship to be attacked by Thargoids. Most likely to cover up the assassination attempt. They wanted it to look like Thargoids did this.

"Lil, the Kid says your uninvited guests are Aegis agents. Their whereabouts are unknown. They haven't reported to work in days. More accurately....since this vessel left Paresa."

So, the plot thickens.....
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