Logbook entry

Imperial Countermeasures

27 Aug 2020LilliSWE
"The revelation of assassination attempts by unknown Aegis agents is troubling to say the least. They have always been the center of controversy within the Empire. Finding out that their agents successfully pulled off an assassination and cover up using Thargoid attacks has rocked the Imperial governing body."

I radioed Cpl Stansfield to head to Jameson Memorial and put in a work order for a fully kitted T-10 Defender outfitted for anti-xeno operations. After hearing of the destruction of an Imperial supply convoy en route to Maia, I decided we needed to reinforce Imperial AX operations in the Pleiades and Witch Head. I received a memo from Admiral of the Fleet, Denton Patreus which reads:

"Admiral Lindholm, in light of recent events occurring in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebluae, I am granting you full Imperial authority over all operations taking place in those areas. I have ordered the Fleet of Glorified Justice, headed by the Majestic Class Interdictor INV-Emerald's Grace, to Maia. Imperial officers have been notified that they are now to answer to you. These are now your divisions. I want these terrorists within Aegis brought to Imperial justice. I want Imperial citizens in the nebulae to feel safe from xeno attacks. The Emperor and I have faith in you to accomplish this."

To say that I am extremely excited to have command of my own Interdictor would be an understatement. I put in a requisition to Galactic Transport Services to relocate my personal fleet Arc's Faith in HR 1183. With the looming threat of a large scale Thargoid invasion, I need to be prepared to keep my citizens safe. I also need to focus on SAR operations to find that missing escape pod. Indigo Shine is working tirelessly to locate the pods unique beacon. There is A LOT of space to cover and she is only one person. I'm withholding a squad from heading out until we have a source. I can't risk another attack.

Also on my plate, I need to deal with Aegis. This is a sensitive matter within the Empire. I personally feel like we are wasting resources, resources that could help Imperial citizens. I am preparing a presentation for the Emperor and and the Imperial Senate on new methods to replace Aegis. The thought of funding an Alliance/Federation backed program is silly. I need to task a team to investigate Aegis operations. The only benefit to this "partnership" with them, is the ability to get my team inside to investigate this situation. I've decided to send the kid with the team seeing as she can access the security network to retrieve the information that Aegis may not be willing to hand over.

Let's get down to business!
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