Logbook entry

The Mysterious Man in Black?

06 Sep 2020LilliSWE
"I take the time in supercruise to contemplate what just happened. I just had a conversation with a Thargoid. A Thargoid who actually did not want to see kill me. This news of Aegis working with Thargoids is egregious. This proof, if it is true, needs to be shown to the public. Aegis can not be trusted!"

As I arrive at the eerie site, clouds of green mist flood my canopy. Sensors are picking up numerous Thargoid scavengers, as expected. They're easily dealt with and pose little to no threat. The terrain is way too uneven to land anywhere near the central structure, so I land just outside the outer spiral. The SRV is prepped to depart, so I climb into the cab and deploy it to the surface.

I approach the central structure doors and they slowly slide open. What looks like slime, drips from the opening doors. It's quite disgusting, to be honest. I accelerate forward into the hallway to scavengers lurking about.

They seem harmless as they wander about, but I'm not going to get close to antagonize them. I attempt to wander the halls in search of the mysterious central chamber. One hall brings me to what looks like birthing pods. I slowly approach the pod, cautiously as I don't know what to expect. As I get closer, the opening at the top slides open, and a Thargoid link is lowered. It's one of three components I need to activate the chamber. I grab the link, and one of the probes littered on the floor.  Now I have all three needed to turn on the machine.

I continue on my journey and I finally reach the central chamber. A large machine with three activation pods sits directly in the center. It's an ominous device, to say the least.  At first glance, it's intimidating to the human eyes. Each activation pod has a symbol on it. One for each of the three devices I have. A sensor, link, and probe need to be deposited in them to turn it on.

As I drop the last one in, the machine starts to vibrate as it turns on. A lime-green hologram shows a video of a mysterious black-clad figure, human in appearance, speaking with the machine with this machine.

"The Imperial diplomat has been assassinated, and your counterparts have been set up for the murder, as you requested. All leads and subsequent Thargoid evidence they find will lead them to Oresrian Thargoids. The Empire will send its most skilled hunters to wipe them out. This will clear the way for you to invade the Pleiades in full force and wipe out any resistance. The superpowers will be more focused on that to see your invasion. I have upheld my end of the deal. I wish to receive the Thargoid technology you promised me."

A Thargoid replies to the "man in black":

"You will all you were promised and more when we conquer the Pleiades and not before then! Remember, you are in no position to demand anything. What you didn't expect was the Empire sending one of their finest admirals into my systems to investigate this attack. I trust you can take care of this matter?"

And just like that, the image disappeared. This proves the partnership of the Thargoids with Aegis. I managed to capture the entire recording onto my console. I need to get this back to Senator Patreus as soon as possible. I drive my SRV back through the halls, out the door, and onto my ship. With the coordinates locked for Achenar, I set course and fly away.
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︎7 Shiny!
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