Logbook entry

Aegis proof and Imperial stations attacked...Coincidence? I think not!

10 Sep 2020LilliSWE
"On my way to Achenar, I received the devastating news that Imperial stations in four Empire controlled systems have been attacked by terrorists. This can not be a coincidence. I find proof of Aegis working with Thargoids against humanity, then Imperial stations get bombed. I can't deter from my mission, but I need to take measures to rescue our citizens."

As I travel through supercruise, I make contact with my second in command, LCDR Lugosi. I order her to personally lead our rescue SAR fleet to the damaged stations and help out with everything they ask for. I have a small fleet of Dolphins, a Beluga, and a cargo ready T-9 Heavy. Several Imperial eagles and couriers are also in the fleet to provide combat support.

(LCDR Vittoria Lugosi): "Admiral, I have readied the fleet and we are currently en route to the affected systems. We're going to coordinate with station security as well as Imperial Internal Security Service to investigate these attacks. I have been told they call themselves, The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA). Apparently, they have a hatred towards the royal family. So far, the reasoning behind the attacks is unknown."

Keep on it. I want to know everythi...............(at this point I am interdicted by an unknown assailant). I'm ripped out about halfway to Capitol. A python, accompanied by 2 eagles, begins attacking me. Little do these tools know, my Cutter is a God damn tank! Since I accepted this mission from the Thargoid alone, I have no one in my crew to launch in the slf's. I dispatch the eagles fairly quickly then I begin a full attack on the python. The python is pretty reinforced, but it falls in due time to my Cutter's heavy weaponry. Before I resume my course to Capitol, I scoop up the three black boxes from the wreckage for my techs to decipher.

I reach my destination and immediately head towards the Senate building. As I make my way there, Imperial Senators and diplomats are scurrying about in a hurry. I assume this is all due to the station attacks. I feel helpless not being on the front line, but this information is of the highest priority. I reach Senator Patreus' office and to my surprise, he's actually present. We greet each other with a salute and handshake. I hand over the video and take a seat. The expressions on his face as he views the video are fierce, pissed off expressions.

"Admiral Lindholm, this video is absolutely appalling. We have always suspect Aegis of having ulterior motives, but this goes beyond anything we ever expected. Her Grace, the Emperor, needs to see this at once. The Empire will not support terrorists! Now, as you know, the Empire suffered terrorist attacks on four stations. I need you to personally oversee all rescue operations in Cemiess. The princess was spending time there and I need you to see to her well being. I will deliver this video to the Emperor myself."

And with that, we saluted each other and I made my way to my ship. I ordered my fleet to meet me there and prepare for a full-scale rescue operation. I requested my techs bring their gear to decipher my attacker's black boxes. I believe it's a safe bet to assume the attackers were Aegis agents. Shits getting real out here!
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