Logbook entry

Rescue Operations for Imperial Citizens!

12 Sep 2020LilliSWE

I have ordered my fleet to split up and head to the four Imperial stations that came under attack by the NMLA. They are tasked with aiding SAR operations and escorting evacuees from the bombed stations to the rescue mega-ships parked nearby. All efforts must be made to help our citizens. That is the top priority."

My squadron was tasked with assisting Mackenzie Relay in Cemiess. This was handed to me personally by Fleet Admiral Patreus. My assistance was requested in aiding Princess Duval seeing to her well being. She was reportedly in her home system attending a charity event on Emerald. As we exited supercruise, we were met with a devastating sight. Mackenzie Relay was on fire! Half of the habitation ring was blown away. The most interesting part was the green caustic substances found on all over the outer hull. This is a telltale sign of Thargoid attacked stations. I can't dwell on that right now. Rescue attempts must now be made!

Attention all pilots in alpha wing. This is Admiral Lindholm. Our citizens need our help. The Eagle wing will provide overwatch as there are reports that attackers may still be in the vicinity. I need all SAR vessels inside the docking hub gathering all jettisoned escape pods and wreckage components. Remember to watch your thermal levels. Use those heatsinks! We can't afford to lose our own crew. The rescue vessels in the Liberation wing will follow me into the station. Station officials have granted us full access and lifted station docking limitations. No need to worry about loitering fines, but watch pad blocking. We're not the only ones in here helping out. The two Belugas, Recyclops, and Lilli's Luxury Cruises will take top priority in loading all NON-ESSENTIAL personnel. The Orcas and Dolphins will assist medical, station, and security staff. Let's get to it, people!!

I pilot the Recyclops into the burning station and head for my designated landing pad. There is debris EVERYWHERE. Mini explosions were going off which, at one point, made me alter my landing. I was almost shot into the station hull. I had to eject 2 heatsinks during the course of the procedure. Landing successful! As I exit the ship, I order my crew to escort the citizens onto the ship. As they proceed with evacuations, I make my way over the chief and question him about the outer caustic damage. His replies were basically, "I have no idea, but we're looking into it." Those answers, to me, are unbecoming of a chief station officer. His crew should be all over this like a cheap suit. I have noted this in my log. I have been given word that both the Recyclops and LLC vessels are max cap. We're ready to fly!

As the pad raises, the heat starts to build on the Beluga again. As explosions rock the Recyclops, screams of scared passengers flood the halls. My crew does their best to calm them, but it's hard with everything going on. I watch as LLC flies overhead and towards the station slot and safely into cooler space. I finally release from the pad and retract the landing gear. With a glance over to my co-pilot, I say, "you ready to do this?" With a worried look, he replies, "As ready as I'll ever be."

As we exit the station, I receive word that all Dolphin and Orca crews made it safely to the megaship. All aboard are safe and in healthy conditions. This is excellent news. I plot the coordinates for the megaship as LLC jumps into supercruise in front of us. "FSD engaged in 3...2...1." The trip is a very short one. It takes about 30 seconds to reach the waiting rescue ship. I exit supercruise and request docking permission. "This is Admiral Lindhom of the INV-Recyclops requesting docking permission. We have evacuees from Mackenzie Relay." "Docking request granted, Admiral", replies back through the comms. I leave docking up to the auto-pilot. The most expensive member of my crew.

Both of our Belugas land in adjacent pads. As the crews make their way out, a flood of Imperial citizens hastily empties from the cabins. We took a different approach to rescue people this time. I had the cargo bays emptied prior to lift off. We needed every available space to get the most out of the rescue attempts. Human beings are more important than canisters of superconductors and what not. As the remaining citizens leave the ship, I watch as my crews begin to high five and cheer each other. Yes, they do deserve this, but the job is far from done. There are many more people aboard that station.

'Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's not cheer just yet. There are still a lot more Imperial citizens aboard Mackenzie Relay that need our help. Let's get back there and help OUR people!!"

"Aye aye, Admiral!
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