Logbook entry

Back into the Fray!

17 Sep 2020LilliSWE
"I've rested long enough. I spent two days here recovering and getting my lacerations sealed up. I'll be proud to wear these battle scars as I chase down those cowards who assassinated our Prince and terrorized our citizens!"

As I walk through the landing pad towards my ship, I see the serious expressions of a crew ready to kick some ass! They gather around anxiously awaiting my speech.

"A time for mourning will come, my friends. This however is not the time. We still have people on those stations that need evacuation. Rabh has been hit hard and is requesting additional aide. I have requisitioned a new Beluga to replace the one we lost. LCDR Lugosi and her Screaming HellKats are en route to attain the vessel and meet in the Rabh system. Senator Patreus has been in contact with me to inform us of plans to work on counter-terrorism measures. This will, however, not take place till after we attend to the attacked stations. Imperial Security Forces have been bolstered, at my request. I want additional combat vessels from our fleet in defense wings as well. We will not be blind-sided again! All non-essential rescue personnel has been warned to keep clear of the stations. The use of lethal force is granted to all who ignore the stay clear order. Now let's get out there and save those people!"

The crew roars into the Recyclops and we depart for the Rabh system. It's a short flight of only 111 light-years. No need to scoop for fuel as this clunker's tank has more than enough fuel to get us there. As I sit in my cabin, I stare into the mirror as my scarred face stares back at me. A lone tear slides down my cheek as I think about the events that recently occurred. I keep asking myself if there was a way I could have stopped all this. The loss of all those crew members and civilians aboard the LLC, as well as the assassination of Prince Harold. I know I did my best, but it's those lingering thoughts that sometimes get me thinking.

I get a call that we have arrived in the Rabh system and are en route to meet up with Vee and her crew. I have also been warned that splinter wings of pirates have been seen lurking throughout the system. The combat wings have been alerted and are on overwatch. We exit SC at Muller Terminal alongside the Heavenly Ascension, our new Beluga liner. Time to get our people to safety!
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