Logbook entry

For the Navy!

28 Sep 2020LilliSWE
"As decreed by our glorious Imperator, Hadrian Augustus Duval, and the Nova Imperium High Council, we are ready to go to war with the Jet Universal Partners in Ogoni. The JUP has ignored several requests from our couriers to yield system control. We have been forced to take the system through force."

Attention all Talon wing squadrons, this is Admiral Lindholm. Today we are tasked by Imperator Duval to take the Ogoni system from the Jet Universal Partners by force! Their leadership has ignored our requests to yield the system and all pertaining stations. They will now feel the mighty force of Nova Imperium's Navy! TO WAR!

As my crew and I ready the NNV-Adjudicator, I think to myself, "All these lives could have been spared if their stubborn leaders weren't so high and mighty." As I was boarding the ship, I had a journalist for Paresa News Network approach me and request a "bird's eye" view of the battles. Is this chick crazy? I responded by asking why she would want to board a battleship heading into a deadly warzone? She insisted on having a front-row seat during this time to make a news article on Nova Imperium and it's Imperator. Against my better judgement, I allowed her to tag along as she remained in her quarters during the firefights. She is free to roam and conduct her interviews while outside the conflict zones.

We jumped into Ogoni and proceeded in supercruise to a HIGH-INTENSITY conflict zone. As we dropped out and into the battle, I ordered the squadron of GU-97s to launch. All in all, Talon wing is comprised of the flagship, NNV-Adjudicator, 3 Imperial Clippers, 2 Imperial Couriers, 4 Imperial Eagles and 16 GU-97 slf's. A force to be reckoned with!

As the battle raged on, the JUP deployed SPEC OP vessels. These highly engineered ships were seemingly dealt with very quickly. The might of Talon brought them the Imperial justice they deserved. The JUP in this zone were overwhelmed and quickly conceded the battle. A stout victory for our Imperator! Cheers were echoed throughout the ship comms. I ordered the slf's back into the hangar bays and all other ships to reform on the Adjudicator. Our time here is far from over. This was one victory is a long war. I ordered the helm to dock at the NNV-Imperator fleet carrier for quick repairs and restock, then it's on to our next warzone!

-Memento Mordanticus!
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