Logbook entry

I Told You So!

17 Oct 2020LilliSWE
"Admiral Lindholm, Fleet Admiral Denton Patreus has requested your immediate attention in a matter regarding Imperial affairs. Please join us for a special session onboard the INV-Achenar's Will as soon as possible.

-Office of the Senator and Admiral of the Imperial Navy, Denton Patreus.

I received this urgent transmission and immediately set a course for Facece. Upon arrival at the flagship, I notice a large congregation of Imperial vessels and several fleet carriers in the vicinity. Something big is going on. I board a shuttle and proceed to board the Achenar's Will. I am greeted by several other Imperial admirals who have also received the urgent transmission. An old companion of mine, Admiral Conners salutes me and we embrace in a long hug. It's been over a year since we've seen each other in person. She's overjoyed in seeing me again, but as is I, she's wondering what brought us here.

The Senator's personal aide enters the room and requests we take a seat inside the conference room. A rounding salute from all the admirals to the Senator as we are seated. This is when the Senator stands up and begins his speech;

"Thank you to everyone who made it here. These are critical times for the Empire. As you may be aware, we are currently tracking down the remnants of the Ackwada Marlinists who escaped during last week's blockade. We are confident our scouts will find them and bring them to justice. We have placed several more known Marlinist systems on lockdown. The systems of 234 G. Carinae, Baltah'Sine, Beatis, CD-39 3269, Chana, HIP 39470, Mazahuanses, and Nahuatl will remain on lockdown until we have finished conducting searches there.

Engineer Liz Ryder has handed over all receipts and correspondence regarding the terrorist bombs used in the station bombings. The Eurybia Blue Mafia and Ms. Ryder herself still proclaim their innocence, but innocent people do not flee simple questioning. Investigators are still sifting through all documents pertaining to the bombing. Details forthcoming.

And to my final report. As Admiral Lindholm predicted, the Thargoids have returned en masse. The Witch Head Enclave is crawling with Thargoids. Neither Aegis nor the Alliance was able to deploy defence vessels to the Nebula in time. Prime Minister Mahon has requested the aid of any independent pilots and AX squadrons. It's highly unlikely that Aegis didn't know about this according to Admiral Lindholm's reports. The Empire has no controlled stations, citizens, or systems in the Nebula, so the Emperor is requesting all Imperial pilots and navies to stay clear of the incursions. We will not throw away Imperial lives over Aegis' bumbling or the Alliance. If Aegis cannot respond in time, this is what happens. Are you really sure you can entrust your safety to Aegis? The Emperor's response to this growing threat is to bolster the security of our own borders. As you can see by the star chart behind me, I have assigned two admirals and their fleets to each quadrant. That's is all. Dismissed."

Luck would have it that Kasey and I are paired together to ensure the safety of Q4. As we make our way to our respective shuttles, we arrange a meeting at Dyson City in Paresa to discuss fortification plans. It was good to see her again. It's been too long. It's kind of sad that a Thargoid incursion would be the reason we were reunited. Anyway, it's back to the Adjudicator to inform my fleet.
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