Logbook entry

A New Hope

23 Oct 2020LilliSWE
"Victory is almost being handed to us, that is until the JUP leadership sunk to the darkest method of winning as possible. They have enlisted the help of pirate scum. My system is now crawling with these mercenaries. I am not the only one to take notice of their presence. The people of Ogoni have flocked to enlist in Nova Imperium's naval arm, the Nova Navy. With the added help, I do believe we can win this war in another 2 days."

As my fleet cleans up the JUP warships in this conflict zone, my helmsman informs me of a rescue beacon being broadcasted planetside. I find this strange as no Nova vessels were destroyed during this battle. I, however, can not ignore an Imperial rescue beacon. Admiral Conners' wing is closer to the signal than I am, so I ask her to send a SAR crew down to the surface to investigate the beacon. Admiral Conners replies back affirming my request.

A SAR crew lands on the surface of Ogoni 4A. We watch through the SRV cameras as they proceed towards the transmitting beacon. Upon arrival, they notice a large, damaged Navigation beacon. Yes, the one used at system entries to look for signals.

They continue on foot to the flashing beacon only to be startled by a lone survivor. This young man informed the crew that he reprogrammed a downed beacon to signal for help. He also revealed something that had the rescue crew draw their weapons. He told them he was a Marlinest refugee from Ackwada. We ordered the man to be cuffed and placed under arrest. He said he would go willingly and peacefully if allowed to tell his story to investigators and granted asylum. As Admirals of the Nova Navy and the Empire, Kasey and I are granted such power should we decide he deserves it. The SAR crew was ordered back to the NNV-Sagittarius and the fleet to return to Tarter Dock.

Upon arrival on Tarter Dock, agents of the Inquisitorius (Nova Imperiums Investigation Service) surround the Marlinist refugee and escort him to an interrogation room. Kasey and I convene in the officer's lounge to gather our thoughts on how we want to proceed with this investigation. The Ogoni war is not on hold, but being conducted through LCDR Lugosi's command.

We make our way to the interrogation room to allow this "Marlinist" to speak his story. I sit opposite him at the table with Kasey opting to stand alongside me. "I am Admiral Lilliana Lindholm and this Admiral Kasey Conners. We will be conducting this interrogation. We speak on behalf of the Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. Our agents here tell us your name is Matthew. Well, Matthew, the floor is yours. Please enlighten us with this story."

To Be Continued:
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