Logbook entry


24 Oct 2020LilliSWE
"Admiral Conners and I take our seats to allow the Matthew, the Marlinist refugee, to recant his story."

"I will not lie that I had practiced the values of Marlinism, but I am no terrorist. The refugees from Ackwada are also not terrorists. We are simple citizens and families. We are very aware of our Imperial history. We have not forgotten the bloody purge of Nova Imperium. We fled to avoid such a fate. The ones you are looking for are the NMLA. They also believe in the values of Marlinism, but they show their support for it with violence against fellow Imperial citizens. They bombed starports and killed hundreds of INNOCENT Imperial citizens. Men, women, and children who never did anything wrong. They carried out an assassination of Prince Harold. Harold, mind you, was decree as unfit to ever don the title of Emperor, but they killed him in cold blood anyway! A friend and I had plans to infiltrate the NMLA as recruits. It was successful. We learned of a plot to murder the final male heir to the throne, Hadrian Augustus Duval, and his cousin, Aisling Duval. We managed to get the coordinates of an NMLA in the Ogoni system and 1 in the Cubeo system. I was tasked with infiltrating the Ogoni one to take it out and prevent another heinous assassination while my friend heads to Cubeo.

I was unaware of the war going on in Ogoni and attempted to bypass the conflict zones but I was randomly attacked by a Jet Universal ship. As you already know, I used a crashed Nav beacon to send you a signal. And so...here we are. I will provide you with the coordinates to the NMLA base on Ogoni 4A."

Kasey and I take our leave from the room to digest this newfound information. This may be a trap or it may very well be credible. The only way to find out would be to personally investigate the Ogoni base. This message was relayed to Nova high command and the consensus is that the Imperator's life is of paramount importance. We decide that I shall undertake this investigation while Admiral Conners focuses on the remaining war effort against the JUP.

On route to Ogoni 4A, a report comes in from a fellow Navy captain. Two Federal Corvettes were spotted flying through Ogoni. Their intentions were unclear, but they must have been looking for Matthew and his friend. Navy captain Lily quickly eliminated the vettes. We don't expect any Federal retaliation seeing as they were destroyed in an active war system. Unfortunately, Lily was unable to recover the black boxes so we will never know the true intentions of Federal ships in our system.

I arrive at the Ogoni 4A coordinates and set down a very safe distance from the encampment. My and crew and I dispatch on 4 SRVs to the NMLA camp. We tread cautiously as we are unaware of any defenses such as landmines or skimmers. As we reach the top of a hill overlooking the camp, we can clearly see the activity below. Two Imperial Eagles with Nova Imperium call signs are being fueled up. It doesn't look like there are more than 5 people there. We need prisoners. It looks like only 3 people are fueling the birds, so I order the crew to focus on igniting the fuel lines to destroy the ships and kill the fuelers. I will go after the remaining 2 terrorists.

We engaged the terrorists and the plan goes off successfully. The Imp Eagles explode into balls of fire while I manage to immobilize the final 2 attackers. They are cuffed and loaded into the cargo bays of the srvs. Who gives a damn about how uncomfortable that ride will be. It's better than being a smoldering corpse. Back onboard the Adjudicator, they are placed into holding cells for their trip to Dyson City. These infidels will answer to the Imperator himself and Nova high command.

To Be Continued:
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