Logbook entry

Deadly Consequences

22 Dec 2020LilliSWE
From the window of the Sagittarius, I watch my research team study the Thargoid barnacle set before us. Doctors Lindholm and Skarsgard are studying the composition of the main barnacle housing while CMDR !Dragonblade rolls about in the SRV collecting meta-alloy samples.

The research team returns to the ship and continues their analysis in the lab. I decide to head down there for a report on what they've found. I am accompanied by Vittoria who is also profoundly interested in their findings. This may prove to be our stepping stone into putting Operation: Blackout into effect.

As we step into the lab, Dr. Skarsgard comes up to me with a huge smile on her face. Clearly, something has made her extremely excited.

"Admiral, you're never going to believe this, but we did it! We've managed to weaponize the resin we've collected from the barnacle. This resin can be placed into a missile warhead and used against enemy ships. It will cause significant caustic damage. For a long time, only specialized tech brokers knew this recipe. Now we can utilize this without their intervention."

This is excellent news. You and your time prepare a report and I want you in the briefing room in 1 hour to present this to the Fleet officers. Vittoria looks over to me with a huge smile on her face. I know she's up to something or highly anxious about these findings. Somehow I think it's both.

As the hour approaches, Vittoria, Admiral Conners ( by means of video), LCDR Rodriquez, and I are gathered around the conference table as the scientists begin their presentation. They inform the council of everything that explained to me about the enzyme missiles as well as new weapon tech derived from Thargoid components. They go on to inform us that with the current collection, we can begin outfitting ships with the new technology. I dismiss the researchers and LCDR Rodriquez. Now I have the floor and it's the time!

"Friends, the time has come. We have now finally accomplished our goal of developing our own advanced weaponry. Operation: Blackout is a go! Ms. Van Wynter has acquired the ships needed for Black Fleet. I will contact "The Russian"."

Now we will take the fight to them! For the Empire!!
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