Logbook entry

Betrayed With No Where To Go.

15 Jun 2021LilliSWE

The Empire is filled with liars and traitors. Most recently during a critical search and rescue of Artemis Lodge, my fleet came under attack by people whom we called squadmates. We sustained some minor damage but managed to retreat into a random system not aligned with the Empire. A few of us, myself included, had spoken out about the lack of leadership. Apparently, the admiralty board decided we spoke too much truth and sent pilots out to silence us. My captains and I regrouped at Arc's Faith to assess the damage and figure out our next steps.

Commanders Ravenna and SupaFlyGirl, my 2 most trusted friends, decided we had to consolidate our losses and sever all ties with the Empire and Imperial aligned factions/squads. The Galactic superpowers are all chock full of liars, backstabbers, and leaders who have no idea how to lead squads. My whole fleet and everyone loyal to me defected and joined me. We needed to establish a new base of operations and leadership. The high-ranking officials of the fleet were set to convene and discuss how we should handle this situation. The officials present were; Ravenna Corvinus, SupaFlyGirl, MsValkyrie, Oculus Reborn, Abyss, and myself.

After hours of debates, we finally decided to appoint Oculus as Fleet Admiral and the rest of us would make up naval command. Now comes the hard parts. Structuring our fleet and deciding what should be our next move.

[To Be Continued]
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