Cmdr Gargoil
Bounty hunter / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance FHT
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


11 Sep 2021Gargoil
Comanders log stadate 11 sep 3307 Time 10.00

After the 4 days vacation on jaques station my long trip is about to resume.HIP 26176 is on pleiades sector past the witch head nebula.I have several handreds of jumps to do to reach it and something tells me that i have even more after.First step is to plot root to shenve at witch head nebula.I bet gona need some repairs and restock after this journey again b4 i continue further down to this mystery.Once again neutrons gona be my allies...

Time 12.15
Frame shift supercharged....... frame shift chargin rinse and repeat my head hurts.

Time 13.18
Almost died after encountering a white dwarf.Omg this things looks like neutrons big bad brothers.need to avoid those.

Time 18.25
I dont know whats going on with this computer.Almost out of fuel.On this root havent even passed from any scoopable star for the last 8 jumps.Need to improvise.All good there is a scoopable star at 25 ly out of my plotted root.

Time 22..44
Enouph for today i quess.Half distance to shenve covered.Good night to me
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